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The District is governed by an elected
5-member Board of Directors who are property owners and/or registered voters within the boundaries of the District:
Gary Kelley

Jacqueline McClish

Ric Nargie
Two open positions

High Valley Ranch Public Notice

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Governing Board of the High Valley Ranch Domestic Wastewater Improvement District pursuant to Section 38-431 and following Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended, hereby gives notice that it will hold its regular meetings on the following dates, at the following time and place:

DATE:  11:00 a.m. on the second Tuesday of the first month of each quarter.
PLACE:  Improvement District Services, Inc.
                    3603 Crossings Drive
                    Prescott, AZ 86305


Notices and Agendas of such meetings will be posted at the meeting location:  Improvement District Services, Inc., 3603 Crossings Drive, Prescott, AZ 86305

Copies of agendas for regular and special meetings and executive session may be obtained at:
Improvement District Services, Inc.

3603 Crossings Drive Prescott AZ 86305.
(928) 443-9484


             The respective agenda will be available to the public at such location not less than 24 hours prior to a meeting, unless the meeting covers an emergency as
              provided in Section 38-431.02, A.R.S.


             Executive sessions may be held by the Governing Board meeting as provided in Section 38-421.03, A.R.S. Notice of executive sessions will also be posted at
             the posting place.


             The Governing Board reserves the right to hold special meetings at times and places other than mentioned above.  Notice of time and place of any special
             meeting will be posted at the posting place.


            This notice shall be effective for the period commencing the date hereof and terminating the date a superseding notice is filed with the Board of Supervisors
             and posted at the place of posting above mentioned.

                          DATED this 4th day of January 2018




            By               Signature on File                                                                 

                      Jennifer J. Bartos, District Clerk/Administrator for Chairperson 

District Board Meeting Guidelines

The public is invited to attend regular meetings and hearings.

The meeting will be held in accordance with the Arizona Revised Statues Title 38 Open Meeting Laws.  Board and attendees participation shall be civil and courteous.  Any disruptive behavior could result in removal from the meeting.  Comments and questions from the public shall be called upon by the Board Chairman and shall begin with stating and spelling of the speaker’s name and address.  All comments and questions shall be directed to the Board Chairperson.  

Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation by contacting Jennifer Bartos, District Clerk, Improvement District Services, Inc. at (928) 443 9484.  Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange the accommodation.  Requests for copies of District documents should be submitted in writing to:

Jennifer Bartos, District Clerk
Improvement District Services, Inc.
3603 Crossings Drive
Prescott, AZ 86305
Fax: (928) 443-9486

HVR Agendas

Copies of District documents are available upon written request. Hard copies are charged at .60 per page/per side plus postage for mailing.  Commercial users are charged directly on an annual basis. Please contact the District office in advance for an estimate of these charges.


Jennifer Bartos, District Clerk 

High Valley Ranch Domestic Wastewater Improvement District

c/o Improvement District Services, Inc.

3603 Crossings Drive

Prescott, AZ 86305  
(928) 443-9484

Fax: (928) 443-9486

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Visit our FAQ page
Call Now: 928-443-9484

Website courtesy of 

Improvement District Services, Inc.

3603 Crossings Drive, Prescott, AZ 86305
Information for general use only & is subject to
change at any time. Always contact IDS to confirm.

© 2019 by IDS, Inc. Proudly created with

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