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American Ranch System Information


The connection to the District’s sewer system must be inspected by the District Operator prior to covering – submit a 24 hour advance inspection request to (928) 443-9484. You will not receive a sign off on the final inspection unless the District Operator has inspected and signed off on your sewer connection. 


It is very important that customers keep their phone number(s) and email address updated with the ARDWID.


When properties within the Districts are developed, connection to the water and sewer system is required.  All domestic water use for the building envelope must be used through the District’s meter and not from any other source.  Private wells are only permitted on certain lots for livestock and irrigation outside of the building envelope only. See the District Water Backflow page for more information on the water system requirements.

The properties connecting to the sewer system require an on-site grinder pump system that delivers the sewage from the home into the sewer system under pressure.  It is the responsibility of the property owner to purchase, install and maintain the individual on-site system.  These on-site systems will be located on your property and will serve only your individual lot.  The District has minimum requirements for these on-site systems.  It is important to keep the sewage flowing in the right direction and the pressure your pump applies must be consistent with the other pumps on the system.


Grinder Pump:  A pump designed to reduce the size of all solid materials in a wastewater stream and capable of producing sufficient pressure to convey wastewater into the District's low pressure collection system. In general the grinder system package will be a positive-displacement type pump capable of discharging to 138 feet of total dynamic head.  The pump/grinder will be capable of processing domestic sewage into a slurry and discharge said waste to a low-pressure sewer system.  The basin will be buried below ground with the access lid 4 inches above finished grade.  The control panel will be capable of producing audible and visual alarms in the event of mechanical failure.

The District’s authorized representative must inspect the on-site system and sewer connection prior to backfilling. Please notify the administrative office when the connection is ready for inspection. The District representative will inspect the connection within two (2) working days from the date the inspection request was submitted. Any connection to the District’s system backfilled prior to inspection by the District shall be exposed within 48-hours at the applicant’s expense.

The grinder pump installation may look similar to the photos below.
Please see the District Water Backflow page for more information on the water system requirements. 

March 20, 2009

Dear American Ranch Property Owner:

The American Ranch Sanitary District provides sewer service to the properties within its boundaries.  Because the system serves only the American Ranch, the wastewater treatment plant is small and currently the flows through the system are very low compared to the maximum capacity.  Unlike a large municipal system our treatment plant is sensitive to upsets due to products introduced into the system that are foreign.  Recently we experienced a major upset due to the disposal of a concentrated carpet cleaner. This type of upset can cause the system to be out of compliance and typically will bring additional operating costs.  Also, the treated effluent that is discharged from the wastewater plant is pumped into the pond near the Ranch House.  This lovely pond is there for your enjoyment and contains fish, so healthy water entering this pond has many levels of importance. The District’s wastewater system is funded solely by the property owners and users of the system; keeping maintenance and repairs to a necessary minimum helps reduce the cost to each user.  The Board of Directors requested that we notify the property owners and bring this matter and the following information to your attention.  We ask that you consider the sensitivity of this system when disposing of products and sharing this information with each member of your household is very much appreciated.



When non-biodegradable materials are put down the drain they do not just disappear. Eventually they end up lodged in the sewer mainlines or the wastewater treatment plant and can cause contamination.  The system must then incur expense to treat, dislodge and/or dispose of these materials properly.  If items are not generally associated with toilet flushing, food preparation, laundry facilities or personal hygiene then they belong in the garbage or disposed of at a recycling facility - not in the sewer system.

We ask that you help us serve you better (and at less expense) by keeping your sewer system free of debris and damaging chemicals.  We have compiled a list of some typical household materials that should NOT be discharged into the wastewater system:

  • No storm sewer, swimming pool or Jacuzzi backwash or drains, downspouts, well water, arrangements which will permit surface run-off to enter the wastewater system, or volumes of water that is discharged continuously.

  • No RV holding tanks shall be discharged into the sewer system.

  • No substances or materials that could create a fire or explosion hazard including, but not limited to paints, varnishes, solvents, pesticides, fertilizers, gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel, motor oil, or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid, or gas.

  • No materials that cause corrosive damage or hazard to structures, equipment, or personnel of the wastewater facilities such as acids, muratic acid, paint thinners, or acidic household cleaners.

  • No items that cause obstruction to the flow in sewers, or other interference with the operation of wastewater facilities due to accumulation of solid or viscous materials – heavy or thick liquids, joint compounds, paint, drywall mud, construction cleanup, kitty litter or adhesives.   (Kitty litter is also very corrosive)

  • Solid materials should never be placed in a sewer system, such as: food waste that has not been properly shredded, dental floss, exam gloves, diapers, rags, towels, paper towels, feminine products, personal wipes, condoms, fabric and fibrous materials, dirt, grit, rocks, kitty litter, gravel and sand.  Additionally melon seeds accumulate rapidly and can clog the system because they do not get chopped up in the garbage disposal.

  • No liquids that contain heat in amounts which will accelerate the biodegradation of wastes and thereby the formation of hydrogen sulfide in the sewer system or inhibit biological activity in the wastewater treatment facilities.  Draining water heaters or flushing large quantities of hot water can make an impact on the temperature of the wastewater.  It is critical to the operation of the treatment plant to maintain a certain temperature level.

  • Fats, oils and grease reek havoc on a wastewater system, sewer mainlines and your service line as well.  Cooking grease and oils should be placed in the garbage.  Motor oil, anti-freeze, paint, paint thinner and cleaning compounds should be disposed of at a recycling or landfill facility.  It is unlawful to dispose of motor oil and anti-freeze in a sewer system or by pouring it on the ground.

  • Materials that contain regulated metals such as photo developing material, silver, lead, mercury, selenium, barium, and arsenic should never be discharged into a wastewater system.  It is unlawful to discharge regulated metals.

  • Some of the latest studies have shown that prescription drugs that are disposed of in a sewer system may not always be removed from the discharge.  Therefore, disposing of drugs should be into the garbage or to a recycling center and not through the drain.

The property owners and users of the wastewater system are responsible for the maintenance of their individual grinder/pressure units and service lines.  This is the line that connects your home and grinder/pressure unit to the sewer main.  You may wish to consider a routine maintenance program so that your service line remains open and flowing in the right direction.

If you have questions regarding the use of the sewer system please contact me.  Additionally, Yavapai County is responsible to provide for proper solid waste disposal and may be a valuable resource for more information on proper solid waste disposal.

Jennifer Bartos
District Clerk / Administrator

Please contact the District office to confirm hearing dates or for more information:
American Ranch Domestic Water Improvement District
c/o Improvement District Services, Inc. 
3603 Crossings Drive
Prescott, AZ 86305
(928) 443-9484
Toll Free in AZ (800) 659-7149

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Improvement District Services, Inc.

3603 Crossings Drive, Prescott, AZ 86305
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